How to take the mystery out of carb counting & improve your blood glucose control
"How do I manage my blood glucose levels?" "What do carbohydrates have to do with diabetes?" "What are carbohydrates and why are they important?" If any of these questions sound familiar, then it's time to pick up The Complete Guide to Carb Counting.
Carb counting doesn't have to be confusing, and it doesn't have to be complicated. Once you learn how to count carbs, it can become second nature. Fully updated and revised, The Complete Guide to Carb Counting has the latest information on carb counting and a list of the carb counts for hundreds of foods you likely eat every day.
Make these essential skills a part of your everyday healthy lifestyle:
- Decipher food labels and count carbs like a pro
- Accurately count carbs when you eat at home
- Know where to find carb counts for restaurant foods
- Master tips and tricks to eat accurate portions
- Calculate carb-to-insulin ratios, correction factors, and more
- Learn how your medications work and affect your carb counts

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