t:connect FDA Approved

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Tandem Diabetes Care announced FDA approval of its t:connect Diabetes Management Application. The t:connect is a computer application that works with the t:slim insulin pump. Read the full release below:

SAN DIEGO, February 26, 2013 — Tandem Diabetes Care®, Inc. (“Tandem”) today announced that its t:connect™ Diabetes Management Application, the web-based data management companion to the t:slim® Insulin Pump, has been cleared for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The t:connect Application is a Mac and PC-compatible data management software application that provides t:slim Pump users and their healthcare providers a fast, easy, and visual way to display data from the pump and supported blood glucose meters. This software empowers users to quickly and easily identify meaningful information and patterns, which allows them to fine-tune therapy and lifestyle choices for improved diabetes management.

The t:connect Application makes pump and meter data simple to understand with color-coded  graphs and interactive reports.  Data uploads from the t:slim Pump to the t:connect Application through a micro-USB connection without interrupting insulin delivery.

“We developed the t:connect Application with the same emphasis on ease of use employed in the development of the t:slim Insulin Pump,” said Kim Blickenstaff, president and CEO of Tandem. “The software was designed for speed and simplicity to encourage users to upload and review their data more frequently, and to improve the efficiency and productivity of visits with healthcare providers.”

All t:slim Pump users will be able to download the t:connect application from Tandem’s website by the end of March 2013.


Read more about the t:slim insulin pump.

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