Self-Care Retreat for Women with Diabetes

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Are you a woman living with diabetes? Do you struggle to remember to check your blood sugar, find time to gain adequate rest or exercise, make healthy food choices, and are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or misunderstood? If so, this retreat is designed for you.

A group of wise women, friends and colleagues who live with diabetes created a retreat experience that highlights the bond of sisterhood that diabetes brings to lives in order to share their diabetes wisdom by offering guidance, creative spontaneity, contemplation, encouragement and support to fearlessly discover what we are capable of as Wise Women living with diabetes. The third annual retreat is designed to help a woman with diabetes choose the life style changes that can best be incorporated into their personal life. From exercise, to healthy food choices, from lowering stress to finding a contemplative practice, this Self-Care Retreat covers "it all." The retreat presenters are registered nurses, art therapists, nutritionists, dietitians, athletes, and psychotherapists, many of whom are Certified Diabetes Educators. One thing they all have in common is – they live with diabetes themselves.

The Self-Care Retreat for Women with Diabetes is being held on September 1st-3rd, 2017 at the Pumpkin Hollow Retreat Center in Craryville, NY. Visit or more details.

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